Assignment Types
Our expertise is in the placement of executive and professional talent that can range from senior level individual contributors to C-level executives. They are typically passive candidates, approached and screened by our firm to meet our client’s unique requirements. Functional disciplines are usually in one of the following areas: Marketing, Sales, Product Management, Business Development, R&D, Engineering, Applications, Operations, Manufacturing or Service.
Client Relationships
Our preferred contractual client relationship is on a retained or retingent basis due to the inherent benefits offered to both sides when structured in this manner. However, different clients have different needs and internal policies that might force them to solve their hiring needs through different methodologies or contractual agreements. For this, Innatiux offers the flexibility for our clients to select any combination of our optional services, but also available for change as the working relationship matures.

Full mutual commitment by the client and recruiting firm. Best possible, exclusive and vetted candidates, highest cost, best guarantees, lowest risk, comprehensive services included.

Specific mutual commitment by the client and recruiting firm. Best available exclusive and vetted candidates as available, medium cost, medium guarantees, limited risk, optional services.
Search agreements are assumed by default to be exclusive in nature as it offers full commitment from both Innatiux and the client and therefore the best possible outcome in terms of services offered for our client. However, we understand that in certain situations, perhaps due to company policies or an existing recruiting environment that might have ongoing contracts/commitments will not allow for an immediate commitment to an exclusive relationship. In these situations, Innatiux has the flexibility to offer different options in terms of limited exclusivity for a pre-determined amount of time, selected region, niche application or market.

Full commitment until best candidate is hired, simplicity of single recruitment channel for the hiring manager and HR, best for senior level confidential roles and in combination with a Retained or Retingent search.

Limited Exclusivity
Limited commitment and guarantee of candidate placement, possible complex multiple recruitment channels for the hiring manager and HR, more commonly used for non-confidential roles, and possibly combined with other search agreements.